Are you still using your credit card for porn? If yes, I applaud your bravery, adult content may be a no-no at your bank, and most of them will freeze your account in case something like “xxxhardcoreanal charged $****” pops out in your statements, and that’s something that shouldn’t be risked.
You’re also an easier target for hackers, we all know good that not all porn sites can be trusted with sensitive data, especially if you’re keeping a lot of money on a credit card. Some, not saying it’s you, but some hide their late-night shenanigans away from a girlfriend or a wife.
It may all be harmless little fun, but you don’t want to come home from a long day of work one day and get “the talk” as if you’re a teenager because she found out on those statements what you’ve been doing. That may be the scariest situation of all, and it can all be avoided quite easily.
We’re talking PayPal, you must have heard about it so far, the online payment processing service, the biggest one in the world, that kind of thing. It’s still your money, you’re doing whatever with it, but what makes it so different from traditional options?
Safety first, think of it as a condom, but you’re protecting your money with it. The only way someone could probe into your account is if you share the e-mail and password, and your phone, and your fingerprint with it because there are multiple steps to make sure it’s really you at log-in.
That’s before all the things that you can’t see like their personal protection which bars hackers from harvesting any data related to your account. Banks usually don’t go that far to protect their users, mostly because they know you’ll come to them, crawling, and begging for a resolution in case anything happens to your money.
The way PayPal’s customer service openly communicates with their users and is available at any time is only going to increase the level of trust you have in them, it goes both ways after all.
Then we’ve got personal information, your name, address, all those things you don’t want strangers to know and are openly available any time you pay with a credit card, those are gone. There certainly is no need for a name behind the money when you’re purchasing a non-physical product online, which is why PayPal hides it from anyone else but themselves.
Instead of dreading every moment after the initial visit to a cam site where you’ve been masturbating with a 10/10 hottie, thinking someone is going to find out, or even worse blackmail you for it, you can be as careless as a whisper.
Last, but not least, speed. We’re living in a busy world, time is of the essence, and it can be a difference between a full-blown boner and a flaccid cock, so you want to do the transfer with a porn site as soon as possible, and PayPal is no stranger to quickness.
Instead of typing those numbers, missing one, and then smashing your keyboard instead of genitals, you will need to complete a simple log-in, which I’m sure is like second nature to most of us, we do it on autopilot most of the time without even noticing.
Porn is what it is, we’re sexual beings, and relieving all the pent-up tension shouldn’t be followed by more headaches. PayPal is like a godsend, it does everything better than a credit card can do, and it ensures you have a smooth sail on the rivers of lust.